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Weyauwega Ice Racing Club

We had our banquet on Sunday, pretty much everyone showed up. We covered a bunch of new things, like trying to get some sponsorships, invites, and more publicity.
We have had some good racing despite the fact we have had only about 12 to 13 cars total for both classes together. I really dont know why we have so little cars compared to the last two years. The track and racing will be iffy if this weather keeps up (38degrees). Well I will keep everyone posted.
We had our first week and it went good and smooth. A few new guys in the studded class. 9 studded cars and 8 non-studded. Good amount of ice, good track. See everyone next week.
Hey I took a trip out to the pond today and it looks like we already have about 6" of ice, but with all the snow we got today,  I dont know how much more we will get soon.
Hey we had our info meeting and only 6 people showed up. WOW we just sat and talked. We might hold another meeting in the future to get more people to come but we dont know yet, Ill keep everyone posted.
Hello to whoever checks the site out during the summer. I have just released the schedule. I know its a little soon but oh well. We are trying to get a special on a Saturday this year. I will be contacting the guys in Shawno and Marion in the next month or so. We are are also trying to get a road coarse together too. Well thats all I have to say. Talk to everyone soon.
Hey everyone. We had the meeting last night. No one really showed up. Just FWD Studded guys. Rules that will be inforced this year though for ALL CLASSES are as follows Coolant MUST be biodegradable.And you must have a carpet mat under car when parked with your car number on it to catch all fluids. First week we will let is slide but if you dont have that for the second week there will be a penalty. Well thats about it. See you all later.
It's time once again to get your cars out of storage, or get a new vehicle ready for the upcoming racing season. Hopefully you are way ahead, and ready to go! An informational meeting will be held at the Hitching Post Car & Grill in Weyauwega, on Saturday, December 13th at 6:00p.m. Let's get the word out and encourage someone new to join. Ice Racing is the lowest cost, most fun auto racing available today! If you have any questions, feel free to call!
Club President - Matt Schrank - 920-752-3384
Club Vice-President - Matt Coffey - 920-788-1284
Hey everybody, I hope everyone has started on there cars or are going to soon, because the season is less then 2 monthes away. Hard to beleive. It feels like summer was just yesterday. Well I'll try to keep us all updated with when the meeting is. Im planning on calling one of the Matts up this week to find out. I'll keep us all posted! Well talk to you all soon!
Went up to the track at about noon. Tyler and Joe were already there. Matt Coffey was plowing the pits out and I guess that Tom Thyssen had already been there real early this morning plowing out the track! Thanks guys, we are all greatly thankfull of you. Well see all of ya tomorrow!
Hey guys, Tyler, Joe, and Tony will be heading up to the track on Saturday Feb. 1st to mark out the track with some more trees, because people can't seem to stat on the track and not plaster the trees(Tracy #18). HAHA. Well cant wait for this weekend see all you guys soon!
We had a good turn out for Week 2, but a few accidents caused by some unrespectable drivers sent some drivers home or to get them to bring out the good ole' sledge hammer! Well see ya'll this weekend.
Looks like we will have a real close Class S season, lots of fast cars. Same goes for the Class A season. We had a nice turn out for Class A, probably about 20 or more cars. Not alot of Class S cars though, only about 12 cars.
Hey Guys it looks as is we WILL be racing this weekend!, January 5th.
See ya there!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Well anyways if anyone wants any vinyl decals made contact me and I'll email you back with the prices.
Hey, you guys I was wondering if anyone had any idea how many inches of ice are out on the pond. If so just email me at Thanks.
We had the meeting, nobody even really showed up! The only thing we really did productive was fill out the "Racer Profiles" and eat. Hopefully we get more ice for a nice season this year. I guess theres 7 to 9 inches out on the pond.
Registration form now available online!
It's time once again to get your cars out of storage, or get a new vehicle ready for the upcoming racing season. Hopefully you are way ahead, and ready to go! An informational meeting will be held at the Hitching Post Car & Grill in Weyauwega, on Saturday, December 14th at 5:00p.m. Let's get the word out and encourage someone new to join. Ice Racing is the lowest cost, most fun auto racing available today! If you have any questions, feel free to call!
Club President - Matt Schrank - 920-752-3384
Club Vice-President - Matt Coffey - 920-788-1284
Schedule now released!