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Weyauwega Ice Racing Club
Green: The race is in progress on the track.
White: The race has one lap remaining.
Checkered: The race is over. The first driver to get this flag displayed is the winner of the race.
Yellow: Maintain a slow, cautious speed around the track.
Yellow & Green: Racing continues but drivers should use caution. There are cars either stalled or spun on the track.
Red: All cars must come to a complete stop.
Black: the driver getting this flag is being disqualified and should go to the pits.
Folded Black: Warning, for wrong doing, next wrong doing will result in a FULL black flag!
Blue with Orange Stripe: Drivers receiving this flag should move over to allow the leaders to pass.

  • Drivers must be at least 14 years of age and have parents or guardian sign a minor wavier form to race. If under 16, parent or guardian must be present.
  • All entry fees must be paid before racing.
  • Anyone who wants to race in any race must have a membership(non-car owners) to race or ride in special races(i.e. Money Races, and Powder Puff Races).

$20/per season membership - Driver

$5/per day membership - Driver

$5/per season membership - Rider

  • All drivers and pit crew must sign a waiver of liability good for the season.
  • Anyone in violation is subject to lose their points and pay off for the day.
  • Car numbers go to the driver with most seniority first. Numbers 1 to 100 for each class no duplicate numbers and no letters.
  • The committiee will enforce rules.
  • FEES for all classes:    $125/per season includes membership fee Or $10/per race plus membership
  • Drivers who will only make it to some of the races, can pay each time they race after membership dues are paid.
  • PAY OUT: Determined by the number of entries at each race.

Classes are as follows:

  • Class A Big Cars - Non-Studded ice tires, 9" max width, DOT approved.
  • Class N Small Cars - Non-Studded ice tires, 9" max width DOT approved.
  • Class S 4 Cylinder Vehicles - Studded tires, 7" max width.
  • Drivers must wear approved safety belts and safety helmets on track at all times
  • All cars must have a full fire extingguisher securely fastened in car at all times, within drivers reach.
  • No material of any kind should leak out of car or any tow vehicle onto the ice. If your car does leak you are responsible for cleaning it up. All vehicles must have a piece of material underneath while on the ice to catch any leaks.
  • The car registered must be the car that is raced for that day. Absolutely no car jumping.
  • Drives will not be allowed to consume alcohol or any other drugs, before or during the racing session. Any violation will result in disqualification for day, maybe more!
  • Driver or passenger will remain in car with helmets and seat belts on until race is concluded. This means checkered flag, has been waved. An exeception to this would be if your car were on fire.
  • At no time should a driver or passenger leave their car while on the racetrack.
  • Gas tanks can remain under car if positioned ahead of the centerline of rear axle. Gas tanks must be removed, if they protrude behind the rear axle. The tank should be replaced with a portable boat tank or fuel cell and mounted securely in the trunk of tthe car. One execption to this would be in the case where the fuel tank protrudes behind the rear axle on a hatchback style car. In this case, the area around the tank must be reinforced to provide adequate tank protection.
  • All holes must be covered between driver and gas tank, with sheet metal securely fastened to prevent contact of gasoline into passenger compartment of vehicle.
  • Anit-freeze must be biogradable.
  • You must have a carpet mat under your car at all times with your car number on it to collect fluids. Failure to do so will result in penalty.
  • Tow chains at least 3/8 in. must be securely fastened to frame in front and back of car in plain sight, and must be painted bright orange.
  • Must be stock bodies' production vehicles, no home-bulit, custom or convertible cars.
  • Modifications to body such as hood scoops, spoilers, wings, etc. to improve appearance will be allowed.
  • All doors, trunks, and hoods on all vehicles must be securely fastened during all racing.
  • All weights in or on car must be secured (i.e. banded, bolted, or chained) and painted a bright color. Weights may not protrude beyond body line of car.
  • Batteries can remain under the hood, but must be securely fastened and if inside the car, must be covered, or boxed.
  • Headlights, taillights, and any exterior trim must be removed before racing. Windows can be left in place.
  • Nerf bars or bumpers cannot extend beyond length of car, or more than 2 inches beyond width of car. No sharp edges.
  • Engines cannot be moved for better traction.
  • All car numbers must be clearly visible on driver and passenger doors, and stable fin mounted on top of vehicle. All numbers must be legible.
  • Posi-traction is allowed.
  • All cars must have a least three wheel brakes. No rear wheel brake only cars.
  • Any body stock style allowed, 2WD only.
  • Must be 4 cyl. 2.5L max. Stock type production engine. No turbos, superchargers, or nitrous. Any tire not to exceed 7" width across tread.
  • Unlimited number of studs or screws may be used, any type of studding will be allowed as long as it is sage and meets the length rule. (These will be checked on race day).
  • The average length may not be more than 1/4 in. from rubber on tire. To allow for cases of uneven tire wear, a maximum screw extension of 5/16 in. will be allowed, but the average screw length when measured in gour positions across the tire may not exceed 1/4".
  • Roll cages are required, three mounting points minimum.          Minimum tubing size: 4.500 x .095 seamless, or 1.500 x .120 welded seam. No water pipe.
  • All cars must have a door bar, with a height of 24 to 28 in. from the ground.
  • Mandatory five-point safety harness.
  • No crossbreeding of engines
  • In the event of spin out, first time pull out, second time done racing.
  • Suspension mods will be allowed to improve cornering ability of car.
  • All studded tires must be covered by fenders, and snow chip flap all the way across the back of the car to cover the full tire width.
  • Electric fuel pumps must be equipped with a kill switch marked with safety orange.
SET-UP RULES FOR CLASS A (Big Cars) and CLASS N (Compact)
  • No wire tires, or studs in tires or anything else for traction.
  • Shoulder and lap belt required, 5 point harness is optional.
  • Class A Big Cars - Non-Studded ice tires, 9" max width, DOT approved.
  • Class N Small Cars - Non-Studded ice tires, 9" max width, DOT approved.
  • 110 inch max. wheel base, class N (compact).
  • First week of the season drivers will draw for position.
  • There will be no racing on Saturdays unless a special event is schedule.
  • No yellow flag or tow vehicles on track for stalled or stuck vehicles during race session unless vehicle is in a potential danger,
  • Rce will continue under green or yellow-green at flag mans discretion.
  • If a car leaves track, car cannot gain any position upon re-entering the track and must re-enter ASAP.
  • All vehicles must meet inspection standards with one week to make inital corrections.
  • Deliberated reckless driving on track or pits will disqualify you for the day.  Intentionally taking out another car under power or using another car for postion will result in being black-flagged.
  • Only track officials are allowed on infield during race events. Only track officials are allowed in score/flag shack unless called upon to be there during race events.
  • Any abusive language or arguing with officals may result in being disqualified for day or year.
  • Nobody is allowed to bother the scorekeeper(s) during races.
  • ECWIR Club members have the right to vote anyone out of the Clun membership that they feel has caused excessive problems or is a detriment to the Club.
  • To suspend a club member the member would need to be voted out by a 2/3 vote of members present that day.
  • A co-pilot is allowed in special races only if he/she is a member. Only members are allowed on track. Maximum of two members per car, with proper seat, belts, and helmet.
  • The flagman has the right to call a race at any time.
  • Officials have the right to revoke points and pay for the day if the rules are not followed.
  • All decisions made by the officials will be final.
  • Final race lineups will be according to heat race finish positions.
  • Start lineups will have low point cars in front and high point cars in rear (new entries will be placed in rear first time).
  • consolation races top two positions transfer to feature.
  • No delay of any race for cars needing repair, - Officials decision.
  • No HOT LAPS before 11:30 AM on race day.
  • No other vehicles allowed on track, other than plowing ot tow vehicle.
  • All points stay with car number.